Subject: ASSC Newswire... Blockbuster Usenet Trade!
Date: 31 Aug 1996 22:09:50 GMT

excerpt from "usenet times"... a shocking development on the usenet front, a trade has been
conducted between assc and aao...laar and earendil have been
traded from assc to aao for a piece of folded paper... speculation
is that the paper in question is worthless... one piece of 8.5x11 
white 20lb stock that was simply folded in half... the vote was
unanimous amongst the board of directors of assc... 

"we are very satisfied with the trade.  we feel that it is good for
both sides."  -anon assc'er

"this day will be remembered in aao history as an embarrassment of epic
proportions.  i think we at aao were far too generous.  we will learn
from this experience and it will not happen again.  the piece of 8.5x11
white 20lb stock will be greatly missed.  it was a very valuable and
versatile member of our family."  -anon aao'er