A is for ASSCON-3, which happened last Sunday at the Market Street Cinema (aka the MSC)

B is for Brianna, who regaled the crowd with a very interesting and, uh, educational show

C is for Cash, which is a necessary thing to bring to the MSC

D is for Daralynne, who got several bodacious babes to keep her company, while I held her purse (woo hoo)

E is for Ego, which one of the MSC dancers, Skye, had plenty of -- OK, so you have a nice body, get over it

F is for Five, as in the five dollars I wasted for a phantom mini-lap from the previously mentioned dancer

G is for Gaga, which is the expression that Rita wore for most of the night

H is for HMS, which was the front right side of the stage, where ASSCers whooped it up

I is for Infamous, the ASSCer who Borly thought was at least three different people

J is for ... well, it's the MSC we are talking about here so use your imagination

K is for Kleenex, of which there is plenty at the MSC (see "J")

L is for Latex, Lube and Love -- the three Ls of ASSCON-3

M is for MSC, duh

N is for No, which is a PLs best friend and a dancer's worst enemy

O is for Original Joe's, the restaurant of choice for Borly, Dyn0, AbNormal and me -- the only place I've ever been that messed up a BLT

P is for Portia, who danced a very inspired and artistic set    

Q is for Quixotic (Dave from Phx, look it up), which is the expression that Borly wore throughout most of the evening

R is for Rita, who experienced severe sensory overload that the occasionally mind-blowing MSC can cause

S is for Sparky's, the post-ASSCON-3 restaurant of choice -- nice nipple ring, waiter

T is for Ten, which is the number of minutes that Kiddo stuck around at ASSCON-3 -- don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, clone

U is for Unintelligible, which is what the "Marshhsteetcina" DJ is most of the time

V is for Victor, who didn't show -- gee what a shock

W is for Wet n' Wild, one of the theme rooms at the MSC (OK, so they can't all be winners)

X is for X-Rated, which pretty much describes most of the action that occurred during ASSCON-3

Y is for Yecch!, which is how I described my crappy BLT dinner

Z is for Zip, which is the number of dances that I got at the MSC -- no applause necessary.  Oh what the heck, go ahead and applaud.

Tallguy, the Bard of ASS-C