Subject: ASSC..dopesick...
From: SICK66 
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 06:13:18 -0800

Drugs. I don't do drugs. no, that's a lie. I don't use mood or mind
altering *chemicals* but I do use another kind of drug, something called
 Dancer is a fucking great drug, it's like a concentrated love affair
that hits you with a suddenness and just rides you in to the tide. you
drop deep into an unreal world where you are master of all things and
the recipient of much praise. Your ego expands and your libido quickens.
Anything seems possible.Then you crash.
 Coming down is hell. Reality bursts in upon you like an unwelcome guest
and rips that warm fullness from your gloating chest. suddenly you feel
the confidence empty out of you in one violent gush, and your ego
retreats into unseen darkness. Everything is lost. 
  Dancer is fairly common, you can find it all over. They have real good
dancer in SF and I hear there's some pretty good dancer to be had in
Tampa and NY as well. I found some really pure dancer at the CP
recently. Actually this dancer had circulated from another club I know,
so I already knew it was high quality stuff. I tried some.
   Let me just say that this was some of the best dancer I have sampled
to date. Very pure, so good I had a hard time differentiating the high
from that of a much more potent drug called love. That's some damn good
dancer, man. I've heard that sometimes you can stumble across love in
the form of dancer, but that it's very unstable and the potential danger
is immense. It's no picnic when you get them confused with each other
either, all you end up doing is screwing up your supply of good dancer
and crashing ten times as hard. Brutal.
  In any case, this dancer took me higher than any other so far but
coming down was equally exagerated and I ended up walking all the way
home in the freezing rain just because I needed to gather my thoughts.
It's a bitch, coming down. maybe next time I should try to score a good
dose of love, nah, that stuff is rare as hell and you can't ever find
any when your actually looking for it anyways. Lots of folks deal in
dancer, but nobody sells love.