From: squid <>
Subject: ASSC AFTSD - A Simple Review
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 22:04:25 +0100
Organization: Hunk-a hunk-a burnin' love!
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Well the clock ticks along while I suffer my annual AFTSD bout of
writer's block.  My fiance is in the next room most likely upset that
I spend too much time online.  And in an hour a friend will call to
say he's ready to go to the strip club.  Ah the strip club.  That is
the reason we all come here isn't it?

With less than 24 hours back from Kuwait I was already nursing a cold
beer in a strip club.  Most people who really know me wouldn't be
surprised.  The surprise for me was that this club was less than two
miles from my house in a small Sicilian village.  But since there is a
large US Navy base a few minutes away it wasn't too big of a surprise.

The owner is a smart man.  Not only is he cashing in on the local
base, but everything in the club runs off the dollar.  There is no
need to stop to exchange your greenbacks into Euro.  Of course they
will take your Euro too at a 1:1 rate (actual rate $0.86:1E).  If you
use plastic they charge in Euro plus a 5E service charge.

The club itself is really small.  You pass your cover through a small
window in a foyer.  Once inside there are about a dozen couches and a
half dozen low tables.  The bar has about ten stools.  That is the
extent of seating.  The room is square and divided into quarters by
arches with a large column in the middle of the room.  The bar and
entrance are in the SE and SW sections.  The NE section is all
couches, and can be curtained off into four lapdance booths.  The
stage and more couches are in the NW section.  A small alcove off the
NW section has another booth, and has doors to the unisex bathroom and
dressing room.  There is no parking lot, but Italian parking isn't
hard to find since the club is on the edge of town.

Cover is $10 and comes with one drink.  All other drinks are $7.
Dancer drinks are $15.  Lapdances are purchased in time blocks.  For 5
minutes it costs $20, 15 minutes is $60 and a half hour is $100.

Dancers rotate through on one month tours.  There appear to be
agencies that specialize in this.  There is always fresh meat, but it
makes it hard to establish an ATM/ATF relationship.  So far I've seen
dancers from Norway, Sweden, South America, Spain, England, Scotland,
Canada, Russia, Czech Rep, and several other countries I can't
remember.  They have almost all been hot with a special mention to
those fiery Spaniards.

On my first visit I attached myself to a Norwegian blonde.  She didn't
seem to be too bright, but the milage was out of this world.  She was
living locally so she wouldn't be moving on at the end of the month.
Unfortunately just as we were developing a meaningful relationship she
disappeared.  I've seen her around since, but not in the club.  And
she doesn't stop for friendly chat.

As soon as my Scandinavian Blonde was gone I found a Scandinavian
Brunette.  I can't remember is she was Norwegian or a Finn.  Actually
I bounced between her and an 18y/o blonde Swede, but I preferred the
brunette.  Her dances were very dominating.  I loved it.  At the end
of the month she was gone though.

In August the twins arrived.  Blonde, hardbodies, sweet and sexy.  It
took awhile to get one to my table, and through her I was able to get
her sister to join us.  I brought up the subject of a lapdance
threesome hoping they wouldn't be too grossed out.  Five minutes later
I'm behind a curtain with two nude sisters fighting over lap space.
Not only were they not grossed out, but they were willing to touch
each other.  I hit a high that night.

Over the next two weeks I thought I'd burn out.  I was burning money
like crazy every night while they danced for me.  Sometimes they were
together, and other times they danced for me separately.  Eventually I
grew slightly closer to one.  It was as close to being with a lover as
I've ever been with a stripper.  We only had a few days, and I decided
to run with those days.

In the middle of August my fiance moved in with me.  If not for that I
probably would have hit bottom soon.  My bank account is still smoking
more than three months later.  I still made it out to visit them a
couple of times before them month was over.  It wasn't too hard to
watch them go because I knew they would be back.

In October the twins were back.  My fiance didn't appreciate seeing a
$247 charge at the club on my credit card.  She doesn't mind me going
to strip clubs, but she has a problem with me looking at women she
feels look so much better than her.  There is a long story associated.
I'll spare you.  I manage to visit my dear twins a few times during
the month.  And once again I watch them go knowing they will return.

Well it's December now.  I'm fighting through the Italian bureaucracy
to get married.  It won't happen this month.  The twins are home in
Prague.  After the new year they will be back.  I will spend a few
days in Prague with my fiance later this month.  And my friend is at
the club now waiting for me.

Happy AFTSD VIII duds.

To be a patriot, one had to say, and keep
on saying, "Our country, right or wrong,"
and urge on the little war.  Have you not
perceived that that phrase is an insult
to the nation.              -- Mark Twain