Add ASS-C Chat to Your Website

Simply cut and paste the following code into your own HTML.
You can have an official ASSC chat room on your website in minutes.

<BASE HREF="http://irc.webmaster.com/">

<td width=600 align=center>

<a href="http://www.ass-c.com/addchat.htm" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.ass-c.com/chat.gif" border=0 align=right></a>

This JAVA based IRC chat program will allow you to access the IRC #ass-c (alt.sex.strip-clubs) chat channel. If you already have an IRC program such as <a href="http://www.mirc.com">mIRC</a> or pIRCh you can access the same channel by going to: </td>
<td align=right>
irc.webmaster.com 6667<br>

WebTV users, click <a href="http://www.ass-c.com/webtvchat.htm">here for directions</a>.

<APPLET archive="http://irc.webmaster.com/backpack/cr.zip" codebase="http://irc.webmaster.com/backpack/" code="ConferenceRoom.class" name=cr width=500 height=350>
<param name="cabbase" value="http://irc.webmaster.com/backpack/cr.cab">
<param name=channel value="#ass-c">
<param name=nick value="">
<param name=bg value="FFFFFF ">
<param name=fg value="000000 ">
<param name=simple value="false">


Webmasters, click <a href="http://www.ass-c.com/addchat.htm" target="_blank">here</a> to add Official ASS-C Chat to your website.

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